About / Contact

You can contact me (or send me amusing hate mail) via polyp@polyp.org.uk

Drop me a line if you want to publish a cartoon, and I’m always happy to discuss new commissions.

But- please check my copyright page before using any of my work.

I welcome enquiries to do public talks, eg to campaign organizations, skeptic groups, history enthusiasts: particularly in relation to my graphic novels. I’ve done more of these than I can remember, and am told they’re entertaining and thought provoking. As a minimum I ask that you cover travel costs and, if needed, pay for basic accommodation.

I’m based in Manchester, UK.

My social media:
Peterloo Twitter
Paine Twitter

I’ve been scratching ‘Polyp’ cartoons since 1980 (for Leeds Student Newspaper) and took it up full time in the 90’s, having been a care worker before then.

I’ve drawn cartoons for anyone who’ll have me, including New Internationalist, Ethical Consumer Magazine, The Freethinker, Christian Aid, The Big Issue, Friends of the Earth, Liberty, Campaign Against the Arms Trade…

My graphic novels tend to focus on deliberately suppressed history, or events from the past that challenge how we see the present.

I’m chair and founder of the Peterloo Memorial Campaign in Manchester, which successfully lobbied for a permanent physical tribute to those who died.

I’m a secular, freethinking humanist with a deep belief in rationalism, scientific skepticism and in confronting the tough ethical issues our culture often tries to ignore. I detest dogma, superstition, fanaticism and rigid ideologies of all kinds.

I’ve a particularly strong interest in positive science education and in confronting destructive conspiracy theory thinking.

And in case you’re wondering… why ‘Polyp’?

I first got fond of the word as a kid after seeing it in a charming 1890 children’s book called The Sea and it’s Wonders. It just stuck in my head. Years later, when I wanted a memorable, flippant, cartoon pen name- up popped ‘Polyp’

Polyps are the cute, sedentary, funny, co-operative wee creatures that build beautiful coral reefs.

They’re also an unpleasant, irritating growth that gets up people’s… noses.